Let’s Keep Fighting to Save ‘Dallas’!

Bobby Ewing, Dallas, Linda Gray, Patrick Duffy, Save Dallas, #SaveDallas, TNT

Ewings unite

You’re doing a helluva job, “Dallas” fans! Three days after TNT cancelled the series, you’ve raised your voices and let the world know you want the show to go on.

Let’s keep up the fight. Our goal is to encourage Warner Horizon, the studio that produces “Dallas,” to find a new home for the show. (Or who knows? Maybe TNT will reverse its decision, although that seems like the longest of long shots.)

It’s still early in our effort, and until we hear more from the people connected to the show, the most important thing we can do is to keep showing our love for “Dallas.” Here’s what I recommend:

• Sign the petitions. There are several online petitions to save “Dallas.” The most popular is Sara Duckworth’s petition, which has garnered more than 44,000 signatures.

• Show your support on social media. It’s great to see fans using the #SaveDallas hashtag, which trended on Facebook and Twitter over the weekend. Keep it up! The hashtag makes it easy for studio and network executives, reporters and others to search for and find fans’ posts.

• Tell your family and friends. Nothing beats good, old-fashioned word of mouth. Tell the people you know about the Save Dallas campaign and encourage them to join the effort.

The next edition of Dallas Decoder’s weekly #DallasChat will be Monday, Oct. 6, at 9 p.m. on Twitter. We’ll discuss why we love the show and share suggestions on how to save it. Drop by and bring your enthusiasm and good ideas.

I also encourage everyone to check out the coverage from the International Business Times, the Epoch Times and the MassLive.com news site, as well as all the great videos that are surfacing online.

Thanks to Patrick Duffy, Linda Gray, Mitch Pileggi, Brenda Strong and everyone else who sent encouraging tweets over the weekend. Above all, thanks to the fans. Remember: This campaign belongs to everyone. We’re all Ewings now, and it’s time for us to circle the wagons and save the show we love.

Update (Oct. 7, 6:40 p.m.) I’ve set up a Save Dallas Page with links to news coverage, petitions, Facebook pages, fan sites and more. Please visit the page for the latest updates.

Why do you love “Dallas”? Share your passion and positive comments below.


  1. I have been calling TNT all morning…hope they are flooded with calls today. Dallas fans are the best and most loyal fans around. Love the show! #savedallas

    • will tnt see this page

    • Honestly, I don’t think TNT deserves a show like Dallas! Obviously, they don’t know a good thing when they have it, and they’re content to show reruns over and over and over of shows that were cancelled LONG ago. I hope another Network picks up Dallas and shoves it in TNT’s face!!

      • I hope so too. I love to see some network come to bat and put Dallas back on the air and show TNT that they have made a mistake in cancelling it. I don’t like TNT and their irregular programming. #SaveDallas #BringBackDallas #EwingsUnite

      • Anonymous says:

        Say it Sister!:)

    • Paulette Canam says:

      PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put Dallas back on.It was one of my favourite programs and the only one i watched on TNT.It will be a great loss for TNT and if another station picks it up a great addition to that station.Crossing my fingers and toes that it gets picked up.

    • Anonymous says:


    • mandakay73 says:

      I used to watch dallas with my mom when I was a kid..LOVING THE NEW DALLAS!!! They couldn’t have picked a better guy to fill the shoes of his daddy JR..All of the cast is phenomenal & I love Bobby..when he told Elena..”you broke my heart today” it TUGGED on my heart LOL I hope another network will pick it up..I have choice words about how pissed I am about the cancellation news. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!!! Exciting storyline leaving you wanting more!!!

  2. Will TNT Network see this?

  3. Nikki Webre says:

    #savedallas love this show keep it going I look forward to this family and all of it’s intensity

  4. Anonymous says:

    Robbie York- whats TNTs phone #?


  6. #savedallas keep up the fight fans

  7. Nancy Breshears says:


  8. Whatever night Dallas is on is MY night I would watch it. There are seven days in the week. Fridays were a GREAT night. Right now as I look at TNT on my guide, I see “Supernatural” on, then nine hours of “Castle”. SERIOUSLY?? Then HOURS of more Supernatural. I think TNT does not know a great show when had one, and really needs to rethink their decision, as they NEED Dallas in their lineup. If young people only want to see reruns of Castle, which is on regular network, and Supernatural all night long, they need to rethink who they want their audience to be, and not JUDGE by age, because all genres love Dallas, and that is the BEST show I saw on that channel!!!

  9. PS The Friday night I mentioned is when CBS ran it all those years. I watched it on Monday night. I would watch it any night it was on. I know a great show, and Dallas is the best!!

  10. I am a loyal TNT watcher!! I Lv Dallas!! One of the BEST Shows on TV!!!!!!!! Big mistake TNT!!! SAVE DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Penny Mishler says:

    Please save Dallas–I have been a fan of Dallas ever since its beginings –After all the original series and the new Dallas, I never miss a program. I have all the original Dallas on DVD and watch it over and over–Then the New Dallas started and I love it too!! Just love watching new generation after another. And it always keeps you in suspense!!

  12. I agree with Celeste .All TNT plays is Castle over and over.They put Dallas on a bad night.

  13. Sandy Knox says:

    #Save Dallas!!!!! I hope another network will pick the show up! This show has been on the air so many years I can’t imagine it ending and with the cliff hangers from the finale! The writers proved they have so many more great episodes for us!!!Thanks for the fans that are fighting for this show!!!!!

  14. This has got to happen I know I am signing every petition I can to keep this show alive, there is another petition to bring the show back home to CBS all who can sign that one please do, I believe that is where the show belongs, I am in awe of how many people are devoting their loyalty to bring Dallas back let us make this happen!!!!!!!!!!

  15. It’s inspiring to see the support for Dallas on social media. I hope it finds a new home on a network that appreciates and nurtures family dramas. No do-overs for TNT. The viewer ratings suggest our show floundered under their care and I have no reason to think another season there would be any different. Thanks to all fans who are spending time on this campaign. It’s exciting we have avenues to express our wishes and even more inspiring that we are doing it.

  16. I grew up watching Dallas and now I looked forward to it every week. The suspence and the drama always had me on the edge of my seat craving more. The show MUST go on!

  17. I still don’t know what TNT was thinking when they made this horrendously DUMB move to cancel the best intense drama with the best cast ensemble in television! And their new slogan, “TNT….BOOM”, well they may need to change it to “BUST” soon because I know I won’t ever watch their network again & there has to be plenty more who feel the same way out there. BTW, since TNT is owned by TBS, I left a comment on my feelings of extreme disappointment over them canceling Dallas at this TBS number: 1-404-885-0758.

  18. Please let’s keep Dallas going the story is just getting good!! Don’t cancel Dallas!! Please…

  19. #SaveDallas CBS should pick this show up and put it on Friday night’s at 9:00. TNT is just a poorly managed cable network. There is nothing to watch on Friday at anytime. We have watched Dallas from the beginning in 1978, (entire family). This is an awesome show and Cynthia Cidre should not give up on this, if not CBS, then somewhere else. I’m sending letters/ emails to every ” WORTHY” network out there to pick up this show. Who’s with me?

    • Not sure if the 9:00 slot will work for some of the content of Dallas (that John Ross can get pretty steamy! lol) – perhaps 10:00 – but I agree with you about everything else! Bring it home to CBS where my whole family used to watch it as well! #SaveDallas!!

  20. Janice Player says:

    #SaveDallas!!!! Why would you Canceled the best show on television?!!!!

  21. Anonymous says:

    if TNT gets rid of Dallas their is no reason why I need to watch TNT anymore their will be another network that picks you up Dallas is a great show and should go on

  22. Anonymous says:

    #SaveDallas TNT sucks and the ratings are no one’s fault but theirs! We need Dallas on a prime channel and I ASSURE you more people will watch. No one watches TNT!

  23. Save Dallas Please!!! #Howdareyou#Bestcomebackshowever#Pickdallasbackup

  24. Anonymous says:

    Loved Dallas old & new

  25. #savedallas best tv show out there! If you want to drop something get rid of all the pointless reality tv rubbish out there! #savedallas
    oh…… did I mention? #savedallas

  26. Patrick Hebert says:

    LOOOVE this show! HATE that TNT pulled the plug after only three seasons!! WE WANT OUR SHOW BACK!

    Thank You,
    The Fans of “Dallas”

  27. I was about 14 when i got hooked to Dallas and all its actors and i have never stopped watching the show , still watching the originals ,one by one every week for alot of years now , just cant stop watching …so please i love the new shows and want them to stay on ! i hope someone can save the show

  28. Angie Finley says:

    Dallas bonds families! I remember the event of watching Dallas with my family as a little girl and I was beyond thrilled when it came on and I could share the experience with my son. Dad & I would talk every Tuesday about the show and we would tie in the history of the original to the goings on now. We love it! The characters are exceptional and the acting is extraordinarily talented and represent the dramatic story lines to a T. It is a great escape from real life that can be shared with our families….don’t take away the topic of me and dads Tuesday calls….#saveDallas

  29. Amanda Gaines says:

    Best show on TV. It’s the only actual series that I watch. I really hope it can be saved because it was by far an on the edge of your seat type of show that is hard to find.

  30. Marina D. says:

    Dallas ist die beste Serie die es gibt!!!
    I love dallas, I’m from austria/vienna and I can tell you that everyone loves dallas in austria. Give dallas a few chance to keep us a smile in ou face ! 🙂

  31. Don’t take Dallas away

  32. Tammy Sullivan says:

    Love, love, love the show! Loved it first time around and love it even more this time! Lets bring it back!


  33. Love the cast! Love the writing! Love the show! More please!!!!#SaveDallas.

  34. Save Dallas. It is a good show. They always take the good shows off the air and put shows like the chew. Keep Dallas

  35. Anonymous says:

    We need to fight hard!! We need to try are best to fight for a great written and acted icon TV franchise to be saved in a time were garbage reality shows get renewed!!!

  36. Anonymous says:

    #SAVEDALLAS please! We were shocked and saddened with the cancellation. We love Dallas! We watched their website for several years, waiting for the new Dallas to come on. It’s so disappointing that it was cancelled so soon. Please bring it back.

  37. #savedallas Any night, any time…just put it back on please. What a great show. I have fond memories of watching the original Dallas on Friday nights right after Dukes of Hazzard. I was just a kid but loved it then and love it now!

  38. What’s NOT to love about Dallas.. Great cast and oh so wonderful plots and story lines.. The Best out there!!!!

  39. We must save Dallas! It was cut way too soon! I love these characters, we were left with too many cliff hangers. Bring it back!

  40. Anonymous says:

    Dallas survived the death of it’s main character, which is already a huge victory! It was the best show on television and there are many more stories to tell. Thanks to great stories and superb actors it was getting better and better. Stupid thing to cancel it! It has a lot of potential! #savedallas #bringbackdallas #ewingsunite

  41. Vicki Nixon says:

    I have watched Dallas from the beginning. Love the show. Also watched the Original Dallas years ago and loved it too. Please bring it back. Don’t cancel….

  42. I just love Dallas! It made Monday nights exciting! I really hope the show can be brought back, it’s a shame to see such a great show canceled! Keep up the hard work everyone and let’s get this show back!! #SaveDallas

  43. sandi blahut says:

    Dallas is a part of television history and was one of the more successful attempts at a continuation of a show. Television has had it’s share of failed sequels, spin-offs and next generation shows but Dallas really worked. Dallas was well written and brought in many original actors as well as a great new cast that had great chemistry. If TNT can’t see how lucky they were to have such a successful return then they don’t deserve the fan base they received from it and I will protest by never watching them again. I am surprised that they would end a series in the middle of a plot and hope that another network will take advantage of it. I would watch it on regular television since just as many commercials air on cable, as well. Shame on you TNT for not being able to please your real and loyal fan base….your loss will hopefully be someone else’s gain.

  44. Patricia Easter says:

    Love Dallas,Put Dallas back on,One of best shows on TV,Put it back on.

  45. Lynda Sonak says:

    Love this show #SaveDallas……

  46. ssweetemotionss says:

    Save Dallas!!! CBS please snatch this show and air it on your station. I love Dallas and have been a fan from the very beginning. There is so much more to be done. TNT left us all hanging, w/o any real warning. We need this show back…ALL OF US!! If I had the money, I’d buy it out and keep in on forever!!!!

  47. Aundria Premo says:

    I grew up with the Ewings. Watching Bobby & Jr’s sons all grown up has been amazing. The Dallas reboot is abundant in talent, from the originals (Larry, Patrick, Linda), to the ruggedly handsome Josh Henderson, and the lovely Emma Bell & Julie Gonzalo. The rest of the cast includes some all time greats in Judith Light & Mitch Pileggi. How can you not love Dallas!? The cliffhanger deserves to be resolved. The fans are owed AT LEAST that much, if not a full renewal. Let’s fight to get it!

  48. Erin Kehoe says:

    #SaveDallas love the show and I hope some other network picks it up!

  49. Stacey McFarland says:

    I love watching Dallas,and I wanna #SaveDallas too!!Keep Dallas on TNT!!


  51. Anonymous says:

    I will say this, if you look at todays shows that are on t.v. It’s mostly realty t.v. They hardly make shows like this anymore. In a way it’s a huge shame. Look around and open your eyes. This show has EVERYTHING a person could want. Such as drama, passion, suspense, and heart felt moments. What is there NOT to love in it. I did watch Dallas as a kid. It was a good show than and now it is just as good as even. Now you want to cancel it. That would be a HUGE mistake. If you drop it I will repeat I will NOT watch the network. I am also sure other people would feel the same. Bring DALLAS back!!!

  52. I love Dallas! If the original Dallas ran forever …. this one can too!! I was sitting on the edge of my seat and anxious for time to pass so I could watch the next season. I actually cried when I heard that TNT canceled the show! #HeartbrokenDallasFans


  54. Cassie Neeley says:

    Please save Dallas! You ended it with a shocking death and you can’t just end it now! A lot of people love Dallas, I don’t know how the ratings were but I know that a lot of people loved and still love Dallas. Please save it!

  55. Becky salinas says:


  56. devona mulligan says:

    #save Dallas!! This is the best show on tv today! What in the world is wrong with TNT? They only want to put on reruns and reality shows. We need good drama with lots of suspense to keep us on the edge of our seats wanting more!! This is what Dallas does!! Please #Save Dallas!!! TNT number is 1-404-885-4538 address is TNT viewers relations 1010 Techwood Drive Atlanta, GA 30318 email is info@tnt-tv!! Lets do what we have to do to #SAVE DALLAS!!!

  57. Damon Carlson says:

    I love Dallas…It was a shame that Larry Hagman had to pass but, Still between Josh Henderson & Jesse Metcalfe pretty much bringing the new Ewing generation with Patrick Duffy, Linda Grey, And Brenda Strong (the originals) still around and Duffy was anothwr one who made the show . I think it will still be a success. But, have maybe Fox take the show. I mean fox is the perfect channel to have these kibd of dramas!

  58. I have been a Dallas fan since 1979, the New Dallas is just as exciting. We all miss J.R., but as in real life the show must go on. There is a lot more stories to tell, so come on, let’s get a new network. TNT wasn’t happy with the age group of viewers, we aren’t Young enough for them. Well Dallas was the only show we watched on TNT. Let’s #SAVEDALLAS!

  59. Save Dallas!!!

  60. Keep Dallas !!

  61. When I was a kid-teenager-Dallas was on Friday nights! I turned down going out with friends and school events because I just had to stay home and watch Dallas! I looked forward to it every week! Now, as an adult I was thrilled when they brought Dallas back! I made my husband, friends and family leave me alone when Dallas was on! Nothing could stop me from watching that for an hour and living in the moment of Dallas! I have nothing left to watch on tv! That was all I looked forward to! Please let some other station pick them up! #SaveDallas!

  62. Mo Pollock says:

    #SAVEDALLAS please!! I have loved this show since I was little and I want it back on the air somewhere! Pleeeeeese!!!!

  63. Elisa Sheridan says:

    I am an original Dallas viewer. I enjoyed the series back then and when it was remade I was overjoyed. Watching the remake gives me pleasure just as much as the original did. It was just getting really more interesting to watch with all that was happening and Christopher getting shot, which I had hoped was a weird twist just like Bobby in the shower in the original series, and now you go and cancel our show. I’m really mad. Why would you cancel a show that is so popular. I love Patrick Duffy, Linda Gray and the new cast. They all make it a great new Dallas series. You left too many open holes in this series. You owe it to loyal fans to close the loops and bring it back already. It’s not fair that the fans invest so much viewing into a series to be yanked with so much story line left dangling. Come on people have more respect for the viewing public, who make of break a station by being loyal.

  64. Drew Henley says:

    i love the show!!! Please keep it going!!!

    Drew Henley

  65. Josh is a wonderful person, always chatting with the fans during and after the show, as well as during hiatus, and everyday in general. He also has been open about letting us into his personal life. Not too many celebrities are like this in this day and age. Stephen Amell of Arrow who like Josh runs his own FB and Twitter pages and is super friendly with the fans, as well as Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the lead actors on the show Supernatural are like this also. These are the type of celebrities fans need to support with their love, encouragement and support! #SaveDallas

  66. I love show and i keep telling everyone i know that watch Dallas to do what i am doing trying help to save it

  67. #Save Dallas!!!! Dallas was doing a great job of providing all the same qualities of the original “Dallas” double dealin, illicit love triangles, personal struggles, and most of all family strength & love of their patriarch the indomitable “J.R. Ewing”….and the original ran how long…9-10 yrs!!!! You made a bad decision when you decided to cut & run TNT….WARNER find another home for my beloved Dallas & I will be a devoted fan of whichever channel it lands on & Warner…..may I suggest taking it back to CBS….

  68. Anonymous says:

    #SAVE DALLAS!!! Wait all week for that show and love it, faithful watcher!! They take off all the good stuff and leave the crappy stuff! Please bring Dallas back to us “Dallas-lovers”!!

  69. I think TNT was very foolish not to renew Dallas. It’s honestly the only show that I watch on TNT.

  70. Deedee Billue says:

    Please save Dallas!!!!

  71. Deedee Billue says:

    I will never watch TNT again!!! #SaveDallas

  72. Melanie Simmons says:

    Anywhere but TNT

  73. Jennifer Nantel says:

    Don’t let this show slip through your fingers TNT. I look forward to watching it all week. Letting it go would be a costly mistake on your part.

    #savedallas #savedallas #savedallas

  74. #saveDallas! It’s worth it to us as viewers and to the hardworking cast to keep this going let’s bring down Nicholas and have a Ewing reign supreme! Let’s do this #JoshHenderson! John Ross will make his daddy proud!!

  75. ‪#‎Save Dallas.

  76. Anonymous says:

    I was very disappointed to learn that TNT cancelled “DALLAS”. I don’t think they realize the following the show has and as a result will lose viewers to the network. I have already removed it from my favorites. It was an amazing show and I will miss the story, characters and the great theme song. I know the show appealed to the older fans as well as new younger fans and that is what made it a success. This is a mistake on the part of TNT and I believe they will regret this decision and hope another network will decide to pursue the show.

  77. More Josh, more Patrick, more Lynda, more “Dallas,” please. #SaveDallas

  78. Angie Chapman says:

    How can you cancel Dallas this show is amazing and keeps you in the edge of your seat. I hate waiting from Monday to Monday for a new episode that’s how addicting it is. This show is better than the original Dallas. Having John Ross and Christopher at each other like Bobby and JR is by far the best part of course John Ross is following in his dad’s steps but that’s what makes the show he is the character you love to hate but way more hotter than should be allowed. TNT you are making a huge mistake an I pray some other network scoops this up and continues it because it would be a damn shame if not! Please don’t let Dallas end!

  79. Amanda Thomas says:

    I love dallas because it bring me and my friend together on Monday nights!! It’s one night out of the week that we get together 🙂 I also love dallas because my dad used to watch it when it first came out and that’s how I got my name Amanda he heard it off of the tv show!!:) Dallas is more then a show for me it is a smile on my face and in my heart!!

  80. I cannot believe renewing Dallas is even in question! It’s the best drama on TV! Period. The writers are number one- the actors are spot on perfect – all of them. I hated waiting for the next episode- I can’t get enough- and I’m not alone. Someone out there- pick this show up if TNT isn’t smart enough to. If TNT does not renew- I will boycott it forever- and I’m dead serious. #SaveDallas

  81. #savedallas… we want more! Great actors, great show. Dallas appeals to all generations, it has a little something in it for us all. I was just beginning to see Josh Henderson’ s true talent not only in acting but OMG…his music that was also in the show…I was also just beginning to see something that I liked in the character Ryland…he’s really quite sexy…and Linda Gray and Patrick Duffy..wow!! #savedallas Please!!

  82. # Save Dallas , not many good shows. On TV any longer .

  83. Kevin Pica says:

    Dallas was one of the few shows that I look forward to every week. It was a simple plot but it was good. It was something different for TNT and we appreciated that they brought a classic like Dallas back to life. It’s heartbreaking that you have decided to cancel the show and we would wish you would reconsider. Bad TV why would you have ever cancelled this?

  84. SAVE DALLAS!!!!!! I will BOYCOTT TNT for sure if it isn’t saved!!!!!

  85. Sheryl Morin says:

    The acting, the writing, and the storylines, need I say more!! Love, love, love Dallas!! Save the show, it’s the best drama on tv and TNT made a big mistake letting it go! Without Dallas I will have no need to watch TNT any more!!

  86. Barbara Hutchison says:

    I been watching Dallas seen 1978 I made sure I was off work to watch it and when you return I didn’t have cable so I drove a hour and half to watch it so please pretty please don’t cancel Dallas and Larry Hagman would turn over in his grave.He was on Dallas until he die and there nothing else good on tv all these reality show sucks.so bring Dallas back it a good drama show. It keeps you on your seat thanks you very much

  87. Anonymous says:

    #SaveDallas Dallas is (by far) the best show on TNT! I love, love the new one just as much as the old one! I watch TNT for only two reasons.. reruns of Law and Order and Dallas!! As far as I’m concerned, if they drop Dallas… I will drop them!! Please.. Someone… #SaveDallas #SaveDallas #SaveDallas

  88. jon Clanton says:

    I was a kid when the first one aired, the new show is just as good as the first, they owe it to Larry hagmen to finish the show off right if nothing else, also the seasons where to broken up

  89. This is the best show on television. No more split seasons, it killed you…. Come on, another network should be thrilled to pickup this show….

  90. Yes I have been a fan since day one Iam higly upset,perturbed,I have to see John Ross,Christopher,Pamela,Bobby,Sue Ellen,I tried going on Facebook,it would not go through,Iam determined to be heard Bring Back Dallas,Now,whoever it’s in c harge if I have to write I will. Just post your address

  91. SAVE DALLAS!! You have to keep it on the air. It’s one of the only things I look forward to on Monday nights. It’s better than reality TV, which sucks!!! You can’t leave us all hanging!!! I love the show!!!

  92. I have always loved Dallas. I’ve been watching since the original series and was thrilled when they started the new generation show. They’ve done such a great job, especially Josh Henderson as John Ross, and I love seeing the original characters that are still living, Bobby and Sue Ellen, etc. (Cliff Barnes, eh. lol) I would love to have the show continued, please! And it would be great to sometimes see flashbacks of the old show with JR and Bobby in their prime, with Miss Ellie and Jock Ewing and all the old cast occasionally. Please bring Dallas back!

  93. Marlene Mills says:

    I Love Dallas and have since the original. This is such a great show and wonderful Storyline! Please keep this story going! !!

  94. Evelyn Martinez says:

    Hope Dallas come back again it’s the best series of all

  95. I watched the original Dallas and I think the younger generation are doing a great job miss JR but life goes on as should the new Dallas , will not watch any shows on TNT unless they bring back Dallas I hope a better net work picks them up ,too bad TNT your loss

  96. Best show on tv. I’ve been a fan since the very beginning. Hopefully cbs will pick Dallas up. There will be a larger audience then. TNT is still playing law & order episodes from 20 years ago. #SaveDallas

  97. #SaveDallas I just called and left a respectful voice message for TNT, explaining why it is a mistake for them to cancel Dallas. I left my full name and phone number, just to show them that we are REAL PEOPLE who want this show back!!

  98. Franco Jager says:

    Please #SaveDallas

  99. Keep Fighting!! Josh Henderson is a remarkable John Ross and c’mon…Judith is the new J.R., I love her! TNT is ridiculous to cancel this show, it’s the ONLY great show they have…. which probably explains why they can’t recognize a “great” show when they see one. I really hope CBS picks up Dallas and brings it back home where it belongs!

  100. #SaveDallas…My husband and I love Dallas !! Wonderful cast and the writing is so awesome with it’s twist and surprises !! Every week…we can hardly wait for the next show !! I do have a suggestion…please (who ever picks up the show) don’t split the season in half ! That was frustrating for us fans !! We love our Dallas and can’t get enough !! BRING BACK DALLAS !!

  101. Cheryl Williams says:

    Dallas has been a staple of my family’s life from the beginning of the Original Dallas. Dallas is a show that has loyal followers and there are so many fans all over the world. The cast is full of the most Outstanding actors and actresses . Please keep this show going !! #SaveDallas

  102. Im team #JOHN ROSS!!

  103. Georgia Lee says:

    I was a loyal fan of the original Dallas,watched the Dallas reunion movies in the 90’s.So when I heard about a new Dallas series, I was excited about it. After the first episode, I was hooked again. The stories were so well written and having original cast of characters made it all more the best. The episodes of JR and his death were written with perfection. The next generation Ewing’s are absolutely fabulous.,story lines keep us wanting more! We need more Dallas!!!!!! #SaveDallas

  104. save Dallas I love it.

  105. #SaveDallas. Best show on tv. Take Dallas to another network (are you listening CBS).

  106. Anonymous says:

    As someone who watched the original, when young, and now tuning in to this version. Looking at the ratings, it seems to me that the spikes and good ratings are mainly around stories that relate to the old show. Huge ratings at the start, assume lots of interest to see how the Ewings played out. Spike when the legend JR passed and old faces returned, there was also a spike when they played on is Pam still alive. As a casual observer I think that if the show were to continue it needs to fill the curiosity of what happened to the old big characters and their offspring. That’s where the potential lies, and let’s face it there are loads of them. Sure the new characters are good, but on their own it’s just another drama. The appeal has to be teasing us with the ones we knew. Did season 3 lack that, the McKay family was when most people had dropped the original. They should have focused on Ray, Lucy, Jenna, Donna, Gary. Some real shockers about characters we already think we know. I reckon if they teased us with something big with one of the old characters they would easily see ratings improve. They are not trying to build a show they have 14 years of one to just build on. A new network, slightly different direction and this franchise can easily continue. All series have there lulls, this franchise is too big to kill based on a wrong direction for one season.

  107. Melinda B Lombardo says:

    I’m a Texan…. Dallas is in my Blood. It’s such a Iconic Series.. Full of the Love of the Family, Dallas has been around ForEver!!!!! Please #SaveDallas it will be 3 weeks tonight and I’m having “Dallas withdraw Symptons….. See I can’t even spell it RIGHT !!!!
    HURRY PLEASE BRING DALLAS BACK!!!! #savedallas #EwingUnite

  108. #SaveDallas. Best show on tv. Don’t let the Ewing legacy die.

  109. Anonymous says:


  110. Jennifer Conger says:

    Save Dallas my favorite show!

  111. I have loved Dallas since I was a kid and now as a grown adult. I can’t imagine disrespecting such an iconic series by taking it away with the ending they left the fans with. It is truly the biggest ripoff. I love Dallas because it’s well…..DALLAS. Every season TNT messed with the day and splitting the season was the dumbest decision. I personally would watch Dallas no matter where it aired or what time. It’s why I have a DVR and one way or another I will never nor have I ever missed an episode. I pray pray pray another network on online source like Netfilx picks up the series. And honestly if someone asked me what was better; the original or the reboot I might actually say the reboot and I ADORE the original. Other than all the characters being my favorite I love the Mitch and Judith together. I laugh and enjoy their one liners for days!!! It goes without saying what Patick, Josh, and Linda bring to the show. A true American Classic that is being tossed aside like utter trash and everyone deserves better. #savedallas #dallasTNT #badTNT

  112. Annette Spurgeon says:

    Please keep Dallas! Best show ever!!!

  113. i don’t ever plan on giving up. i told all my family and friends not to even watch tnt anymore because of this. This is a show that is full of TALENTED casts and members, unlike all those stupid reality shows. i am a 20 year old girl and i LOVE Dallas, it is literally the ONLY show i watch and i will not give up on this fight to get Dallas back on TV! #SaveDallas

  114. I miss watching dallas on Monday I really look forward to it…plz dont cancel what will we women watch if you take the Ewing boys?? #savedallas! !!

  115. Laura Wightman says:

    Please keep Dallas on the air. It’s one of the best shows on. I don’t care too much for the other stuff that’s on and it’s nice to know that you have at least one good show to look forward to.

  116. Kathy Koehlmoos says:

    Why would you cancel Dallas? It is the only show worth watching on tv. I have watched this show from the beginning back in the day of Jock and Miss Ellie. Please #SaveDallas

  117. please renew Dallas for season 4 you can’t leave us like this. JR would want it to continue his legacy!!

  118. How about “Showtime!” to pick DALLAS up?
    It’s a cable channel that belongs to CBS and it was just announced that they picked up “Twin Peaks” for a brand new season with 9 episodes, a show that was cancelled 25 years ago after 2 seasons. Fans can do such things. 🙂

  119. jessica henson says:


  120. i never miss a Dallas show always record it ! Best Show Ever !!! Wasn’t sure I would like the new Dallas but it was just as good and should keep it going … Always want to see what will happen next so please TNT this show is a hit in my eyes !!!!

  121. Please BRING BACK DALLAS!!!!

  122. Brian Shears says:

    Their family! Round em up and move em to a new betwork


  124. #SaveDallas. I signed up for Twitter for the first time just so I could should this out! SAVE DALLAS !!!!!!!!

  125. If TNT cancels Dallas, We will never watch TNT, TNN, CNN programming ever again…

  126. I’m doing all I can to help save Dallas! I wish u
    guys all the luck in the world! Love each and everyone of u! #SaveDallas

  127. Put Dallas on CMT!!!! It’s the cable network of CBS #SaveDallas #BringBackDallas #EwingsUnite


  129. Please save dallas please! !!!!!!

  130. ALL FANS – We need everyone to try and contact your local TV stations and ask them to run a story about the #savedallas campaign on twitter & facebook and to get people to sign the petition going on. https://www.causes.com/actions/1772642-sign-the-petition-to-tnt-channel

  131. ceri Hawkins says:

    I love this new series of Dallas just like I did when I watched the older one as a child! Don’t let it end now! It needs to be on a regular and realistic time slots for it to have a better chance! #savedallas

  132. Have been a Dallas fan from the original series. Faithfully watched new series on TNT. It’s outragious that the show has been cancelled! The show must go on! Can’t stop the story the way it is! Please renew!

  133. #savedallas if there were ever a show to deserve a second chance it’s this one. Great acting, great stories. What’s not to love. Come on if they can save a show like Chuck, then why not this one?

  134. Can you you people please not cancelle Dallas I grew up on that show and now there is a great new Dallas I to keep watching thank you very much

  135. Dallas is a great British institution. Having been around for the original I believe that the current series, cast old and new are a fantastic, bringing a quality programme to TV.
    Shame on you TNT. The series, story lines are developing, intrigue, diverse, typical Dallas. Change your mind TNT.

  136. Julie Richards says:

    I grew up watching the orginial Dallas and was so excited when I heard they were rebooting the show! To end season 3 like it was then to cancel the show was not right! Do the right thing and #SaveDallas

  137. Reblogged this on countryrose2's Blog and commented:
    iv loved Dallas since it very first aired 1978 i was just 15 iv never missed an episode and i love the new Dallas it was hard enough to say goodbye to Dallas the first time now a 2nd time NO WAY! #EwingsUnite #SaveDallas

  138. Helen McCain says:

    I have loved Dallas from the beginning. Old shows and new. I have never missed a epsoide. The new cast is doing a great job. Josh Henderson Is perfect as John Ross. I want to see many more years of Dallas

  139. Anonymous says:

    Miss me some John Ross!!

  140. Stephanie says:

    Miss me some John Ross !!

  141. #SAVEDALLAS!!!!! Its keeps me on the edge of my seat every time! I love it!!!!! Bring back my show!!!! Make Larry Hagman proud! !Keep Dallas tv!!!!!

  142. Lesley Cianfaglione says:

    I think TNT will be very sorry they pulled this move. You know what they say…..one man’s trash is another man’s treasure! I know in my heart some other network will be glad and proud to pick up DALLAS and I do believe the ratings will be even higher than ever now! Just like you don’t mess with the EWING FAMILY. …YOU DON’T MESS WITH DALLAS FANS! …..BECAUSE WE ARE EWINGS TOO! We’ve all adopted ourselves into the family by way of love for the show! I’ve been watching DALLAS since I was 3….when it started! Sat right there in my Miss Piggy night gown and pink sponge curlers watching it! I love that show. When you mess with the show….you’re messing with my childhood! Not cool! That shows brings back fond memories and it will never get old for me. And you know Larry Hagman would be pissed if he were here!!!! TNT is not honoring Larry by doing this. The best tribute to JR Ewing would be that the show go on! I will end this with my own famous line…..”This is some BULLshit!”. BRING BACK DALLAS! And I just want to tell the cast…..we all love you and we’ve got you! We’re not going out without a fight! A universal EWING fight! Love and blessings to you all. Praying for you!

  143. Anonymous says:

    If TNT doesn’t see the value in Dallas, my most sincerest hope is that CBS, the original station that aired Dallas, will pick it up. They know how to do it and promote the show right! I am extremely disappointed that this show was cancelled. It has it all excellent writing and awesome acting! #savedallas

  144. morgainbai says:

    We need more Ewings ! They are an American Family living the American Dream. Keep u on the edge of ur seat….. u love them n love to hate them but never know who falls in what category the next week.
    We need longer seasons, n more then twice a year !
    Christopher can’t b dead ! John Ross has got find his half sister, Bobby has to keep the company away from Cliff, Enma n Ann have Have PTSD , but John Ross teamed up with Judith Light character we need this to go on…… the story needs to be told. We want more of all of them

  145. Keep Dallas! Loyal Dallas fan!

  146. I’ve watched the original series and also this series and I WANT MY DALLAS BACK!!!\
    #savedallas #bringbackdallas

  147. I may write or email TNT to express my disappointment of them dropping Dallas, and urged them to change their minds. I also may write to few other networks like USA, FX, AMC, FOX, CW requesting them to consider picking up the show. I urge others to do the same letting them know how determined the fans are on having the show picked up with the online petitions and support from social media. Fans can also plead with Warner Horizon to consider these networks to pick up the show. I hope with enough support fans can help save the show.

  148. Janice Hall says:

    I watched the original Dallas from beginning to end. Even watched all the reruns on the soap net channel. I was soooo thrilled to hear a new version was coming back. I was finally able to visit Southfork which was always on my bucket list. It just so happened to be when the new Dallas was filming the first season. I have never quit talking or thinking about it. My son was the exact same age as John Ross through the years. LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!! PLEASE bring it back!!!!

  149. Jerry Vaughn says:

    Why would TNT even thinking of canceling the # show? I just don’t understand the show that kept all its fan sitting on the edge of their seat.

  150. Please don’t cancel the show..I love Dallas..the best show…

  151. I wrote this before and I’ll write ir again:
    TNT don’t realise this but Dallas is not just a television show. It evokes wonderful memories for those of us who watched the original, of times when our loved ones – many now passed – would gather together and watch as a family. Dallas was a part of our lives and when the new series came, we couldn’t help but feel whooshed back to those wonderful times. For me, it was as if my beloveds were by my side once again, sitting on the sofa, waiting for that famous music to begin … . #SaveDallas

  152. •New DALLAS 2012 series is brilliant I love seeing the younger new generation of John Ross Ewing & Christopher Ewing following in there father foot steps EWING OIL now EWING Energies and new story’s ahead for Ewings & new freuds & Lies secrets ahead enemy’s PLEASE DO NOT AXE New DALLAS it a great series all fans Ireland from original DALLAS & 2012 NEW DALLAS Love it.

  153. Jerry Vaughn says:

    Why would TNT even think about canceling Dallas. i thought that Dallas kept its fans on the edge of its seat. To cancel Dallas Is doing its fan and in justice.

  154. #savedallas season not ended yet in uk. Poor advertised by channel 5. Great acting great storys great tv! What more could you ask for! Bring dallas back

  155. Remember to write with your message #savedallas

  156. #Save Dallas..this show is awesome..the actors are amazing..it keep u wanting more after every episode. .the writers do a great job as well. It’s must see tv at its best. .

  157. Colleen Marcantonio says:


  158. Dale Gaglio says:

    I was looking at TNT’s shows, it seems like they are the home for mostly old re-runs! I can’t believe they won’t #savedallas
    Especially because they did such a terrible job promoting the show on television and in print! Furthermore, the split season was a nightmare as was the changing of the day it was televised! Personally, I think they made a huge mistake that they will come to regret!

  159. I live in the UK and were only about a month into Dallas and as expected its even better than the last series. It would be a travesty for this iconic show to end. Best show ever! Josh Henderson u r amazing! #SaveDallas

  160. #savedallas We love Dallas and it would be awesome to see it cone back for a 4th plus season!!!

  161. Suzanne Ianni says:

    Please bring Dallas back! #SaveDallas

  162. 9PM in what time zone for the Twitter event?? Help!!

  163. Beverly Lane says:

    #savedallas My husband and I L.O.V.E. Dallas and are so disappointed that we won’t see anymore new episodes of Dallas!! We watched the original series and have been faithfully watching and DVR’ing the new show. Please, please, please reconsider, and bring back our DALLAS!

  164. Anonymous says:

    #Save DALLAS!!!!!
    I love the show because it shows people as real…….flaws and all.
    Also it has some of the very best actors.

  165. TNT WTH are you thinking?????? Why do you cancel a show that is doing so well. You need to get your s**t together and bring DALLAS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  166. #savedallas
    I’m a Dallas fan. Grew up watching the original and this new series is even better! Dallas rocks! Just getting started!

  167. Bring Dallas back that is one of the most infectious shows on the air what exactly are the people at TNT thinking, that they can survive in CSI:ny and castle reruns. They need to get achesin and realize what a golden ticket they have with Dallas if I recall the original didn’t exactly got number 1 spot til after season 3 and that was a smash hit come on give it a chance the show is incredible

  168. Bring back Dallas!

  169. cathy eklund says:

    #SaveDallas please! !!!! It is my favorite show on.

  170. I was a huge Dallas fan and hosted a “Who Shot JR ?” party for both the cliffhanger and the following season premier! I have also made the pilgrimage to South Fork and sat beside the pool, feeling just like a Ewing. Being such a devotee I was excited, but also skeptical, when I heard about the new show. The writing has improved every season and this past season was as good as many of the earlier seasons of the original show. Jesse and Josh’s personalities are spot on and the right mix of good guy/ bad guy to play Christopher and John Ross and take the Ewing rivalry into the future. If the show continues Christopher HAS to survive the accident! And the show should continue because there are far too few good dramas that don’t involve law enforcement these days and we need a break from the inane reality drivel that is saturating the airways. Please keep Dallas alive and let the “dirty dealin” and backstabbing resume!

  171. Save Dallas!

    I don’t think TNT will reverse their decision, but my hope is that another network will pick up the show…build on its successes and assets (original characters) and retool and eliminate Cynthia Cidre and the whole Ramos and Mexican drug cartel storyline fiascos. Cynthia Cidre’s dark, warped stories are no fit for this beloved show.

    As much as I love Dallas, it was painful to see the downward spiral woven by Cidre and team. I knew in my heart of hearts during the threesome scene and recycled Southfork Fire plot that the show was doomed. I truly knew it. The ratings reflect this as well. So many wasted opportunities from the show’s rich history.

    I hope another network sees the potential and salvages the last remaining remnants of this golden show.

  172. Angela Blackburn says:

    #SaveDallas… I watched all of the original Dallas shows. I looked forward to Friday night. I loved that show. I was so excited when I found out the show was coming back. I love the new Dallas even more. I didn’t know TNT was thinking of canceling the show. I’m so sad and disappointed. Please bring Dallas back. 🙏

  173. Anonymous says:

    Being a fan of the original show, I was reluctant to watch the new show. Omg! It was awesome. Larry Hagman was at his best, but the new cast proved to be just as wonderful as the original. Judith Light and Josh Henderson’s performances this past season are Emmy worthy. The story lines were fast paced and thought provoking. It was primetime soap opera drama at it’s best. TNT is about as smart as A&E. What age group makes up most of the cable paying audience anyway? Not 18-24 I assure you. Someone, please bring the Ewings back. CBS? I would love to see a 22 week season. TNT shoot DALLAS in the foot with the short split seasons in the first place. I really miss this show tonight.

  174. this is a great show… It needs more time to gain a younger fan base… Lots of things happened beyond their control.. Like Larry Hagman’s passing. Give the show a chance to gain some momentum!!! I am in the western saddle and leather business… This show as well as all shows with a western background are good for my business!! I have always been a huge Dallas fan. If TNT is too shortsighted to see the potential then by all means find it a new home! #savedallas

  175. #SaveDallas#SaveDallas#SaveDallas#SaveDallas#SaveDallas#SaveDallas need i say more!!!!!!!!!

  176. Love Dallas! Have loved it back to the original series and I hope that another network out there is paying attention and picks the show up. It is a show that deserves to stay on the air, with excellent actors/actresses! Just one sideline to the writers…please don’t let Christopher die in that burning car…he’s the Bobby to John Ross’ J.R. personality. 😦 #savedallas

  177. The problem here isn’t just with TNT, but rather with the entire ratings system. TV still relies on the old Neilsen system, with a few votes packed in for the “On Demand” plays. They cannot keep track of the people who DVR the show. Thus, it’s important for the NEILSEN families to watch “Dallas” while it is actually airing. Somehow we have to find a way to override this system! #SAVEDALLAS!

  178. Sharla Justus says:

    This is the best show on television!!! Why even consider taking it off the air? I didn’t think the Old Dallas could be outdone but this Dallas is just as good even better!!

  179. Dallas is the only show I look forward to each week. Canceling the show is a huge mistake in my opinion. The time slot it was put in was a tough one. Perhaps changing the night it was aired will increase the number of people who watch. Give it another chance! Don’t pull the plug on Dallas!!!

  180. There Are So Many Shows That Stay On The Air Way Past There Time. YOU Have A Hit Like Dallas & You Want To Pull It Off The Air TNT, You Don’t Know What You Are Doing Dallas Brings You Ratings Name Me 1 Other Show That Gives You The Ratings That Dallas Does.

  181. Mary McNamara says:

    Save Dallas!!!! It’s the best show out there!!!!

  182. Otis Gaines Jr. says:

    Been watching Dallas since I was a little kid growing up in Germany. The name alone has meaning to me being from Dallas, makes me proud! When I heard it was coming back on I set my dvr to record the series and watch it at the same time! Don’t watch a lot of TV but for Dallas I’ll always be a fan!

  183. Pat Wallace says:

    #Save Dallas TNT this will be a big Loss for you – I hope you bring it back or another smarter station picks it up and it stays on the air for many seasons.

  184. I was an original Dallas watcher. The new Dallas is as good, if not better. People who never watched the old Dallas are hooked on this show. #SaveDallas

  185. #savedallas #renewdallas #neverwatchingtntagainnow #dallastvshow #lovedallastvshow #bringbackdallas #dallas

  186. Kelly Tucker says:

    I grew up watching Dallas with my mom when I was little. I remember it was something g I couldn’t wait for on Friday nights to get to do. I was so excited when they brought it back with the Main characters plus now they have children my age. Please bring it back I look forward to this every Mondayand every new season

  187. Cancel the talk shows, cooking shows, and reality shows. Bring back Dallas #SaveDallas

  188. I’m a Italian of Dallas, and I love this series. I want the other season. #SaveDallas

  189. I love Dallas

  190. Kristin Jeffers says:

    Please save Dallas.mmsuch a great cast and superior writing.

  191. Peter Taft says:

    Dallas shouldn’t even be in this position of needing to be saved. Its a fantastic show, it needs commitment and not just from its fans. Dallas is AWESOME!

  192. Richard Scire says:

    I was a fan of the original series, but this reboot is even better! It’s edgier and far better than most of what’s on TV today. Please renew it, TNT!

  193. please bring back dallas

  194. i hope someone will pick up Dallas. In this world of crazy reality shows, it was so nice to have some quality programming! I’m so tired of a few “Nielsen family’s” choosing what I watch. Please renew.

  195. #SaveDallas! Please save Dallas! I love this show. I’ll watch it any night any network can air it. I’d personally love it if CBS would pick it up. It’s a fantastic show with gifted writers and a superb cast. There’s not a better show on television.

  196. Brooke Hellstern says:

    Bring Dallas back!!!!!

  197. Dallas is the best show ever. Im tired of reality tv. Love show like dallas. So please #savedallas

  198. Tracy Winkles says:

    Please save Dallas!!

  199. Natalia Potter says:

    Please Save Dallas, this isn’t the time to cancel the show for goodness sake wake up TNT or hope another channel picks it up, and yes your station only got my attention from having Dallas on it’s network! Soon won’t be a customer or viewer for you channel anymore either since I am sure your ratings went up due to Dallas watch them fall again with the cancelation of the show also!!

  200. Amy Russell says:

    Save Dallas!!!! It’s not just a show. It’s history. Two generations of characters. I think that’s so cool. Great story lines. So much more that can be made. Love “Dallas”! I have watched it even when I was a little girl. It felt like home all over again. Please don’t cancel an American classic! ?! Live on #DALLAS!

  201. #SaveDallas Long live our favorite tv show !!!!

  202. the tv show dallas is part of our pop culture and a piece of Americana.Thanks tnt for burying a piece of Americana,you people at tnt disgust me.You truly don’t know a good tv program until you cancel it.CBS please pick up dallas and continue the saga we have all come to love and cherish.

  203. Anonymous says:

    When I watched Dallas back in the day I knew that was time I got to spend with my mother and grandmother. My grandma is 95 now so I cherish those memories. When Dallas came back I was excited and tuned in every Monday, allot of my friends know how big of a fan I am, Monday nights was my night to tune in and my household knew that was my time. I love the drama, suspense, and back stabbing. I want Dallas back so I can have my nights with Josh Henderson LoL!!!

    • Joanne Brown says:

      Please let Dallas continue……. I dont know who made the final decision to end it, but they must not have ever watched it. Again…..THEY MUST NOT HAVE EVER WATCHED IT!!! It is the best nighttime show…. the only one of its kind.. Completely Brilliant show… now lets find a network that can bring this show back to life…. Everyone on earth is waiting!!!!! #SAVEDALLAS

  204. Anonymous says:


  205. My gosh we have waited for Dallas to be on again for so long. Listen to your viewers again. There is so much crap on keep a good show on.

  206. Sharlet Morrow says:

    I just can’t believe that this show has been cancelled…I look forward to watching it this week. Watching this show was like reclaiming some of my childhood. I grieve when Larry(JR) died, but I kept watching and the shows kept getting better and better. After the ending I was counting down to finding out who JR’s daughter was and finding out John Ross sleeps with Grandma!! Please bring this show back!! I watched it faithfully.

  207. Mary Beth McDaniel says:

    I hope they keep Dallas on I like see what happened to Christopher

  208. Tabitha Christie says:

    David Levy is the executive who cancelled “Dallas” ‪#‎SaveDallas‬ HIS CONTACT INFO: david.levy@turner.com DIRECT LINE 212-275-6912 no need to bother the operators with this one…

  209. TNT and other stations give up way too early on great shows. TNT sees the demand by the public yet they canceled the show anyway. I think that TNT needs some real business people at the helm, obviously the people they currently have are not qualified to see a great thing when they have it. I hope and pray CBS picks up Dallas so it will back home where it truly belongs. Love to Dallas cast ur the best and to the millions of fans keep up the good work.

  210. Nina Harvey says:

    keep it on it is my favorite show!

  211. #SAVEDALLAS, why fix what ain’t broke , the most interesting nail biting drama twisting, white knuckle, back stabbing, roller coaster series ever. I’m a true loyal Dallas fan and will continue to be. Bring DALLAS BACK, #SAVEDALLAS

  212. shacks3o@aol.de says:



  214. I was born mid 70’s… Began watching the original Dallas before the age of 5 with my parents and older sister here in Northern NJ!! When they aired the final season in 91′ I was 16 yrs old and sad it was cancelled… Now I’m 39yrs old and since the premier of the revised show I still would watch it along with my mother as if I were a kid again.. We both still love the opening credits and the tune that labels the passion of the show that we grew to love then and now!!!!.. The writers of this reprise have done a fabulous job with extraordinary stories, suspense, drama, action, and passion all in heart to the last 3 seasons we as fans were givin!!!. If TNT is not proud enough then a prime network needs to jump at this opportunity to save what has been built in history from the people who ran this network before they were old enough to drive!!!.. And I can’t understand how they even can rate anything today??? Who watches tv when they are actually airing today?? No we DVR or watch on Demand when we can pause and rewind and re watch.. If the ratings can’t include that, then what the hell are they worth… TNT puts it on a Monday night against other shows and MNF!!! Or during the summer when tv is less watched.. Yet all us true and loyal and passionate fans will still make sure to record or watch each episode on demand and never skip a beat!!! It’s a disgrace that all the network controllers havng the slightest clue what indeed this show really means to the fans born from 1925-1985!!! Just cause the current generations may not explode the ratings, bring this back bigger and give it a proper time slot.. Tv and great drama’s deserve to live the lifetime of everyone that gives their heart to..

    • I totally agree with you Lani. My parents used to watch it growing up. I want the network to bring DALLAS back so the next generation can watch it as well.

  215. We won’t Dallas back for next season
    We the new Dallas an the story lines
    An how fast they solve there problems
    Please work something out. We were
    Looking forward to next season
    Now you had to do this. Why? !!!

  216. Joseph Diaz says:

    I’ve been a fan of this show since I’m 10 years old now 41 I love it just as much as the original you gotta bring this back

  217. Every signature helps C.B.!

  218. Beverly Geller says:

    Please save Dallas!!!! Always look forward to watching it. All the acors are so talented.

  219. Georgia D. Carter says:

    Is it true the CW might pick up Dallas??? Oh please let it be so!! I love Dallas and was a BIG fan of the original! Please bring it back!!! #Save Dallas !!!

  220. #Save Dallas

  221. Save Dallas

  222. Alcario guzman jr says:

    I had always love the show and still do .

  223. Been watching sense it started

  224. This is an outrage!! TNT Executives, how can you all be executives of anything!!! All you play is reruns and Bull (you know what)! Dallas TNT was your best show, look & listen to all the fan outrage!!! Bring this show back & redeem yourself! #SaveDallas…#SaveDallas…#SaveDallas
    Dallas always, forever & a day!


  1. […] on efforts to save the show are being posted on the Dallas Decoder web site, which  recommends the following steps for fans of the show: • Sign the petitions. […]

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